Northeastern Wisconsin Concert Band


Videos of the Bob Berndt Theater dedication concert can be viewed at the following link.


Our most recent concert was on Sunday October 27,2024.  The concert was held at the Marinette High School Auditorium in Marinette,WI.

Videos of the ensemble performing the Fall 2024 concert can be viewed a


Our Next Concert will be held on May 4,2025 at 3:30PM in the Marinette High School Auditorium.


The Northeastern Wisconsin Concert Band

       Serving musicians in the Wisconsin Counties of Brown, Marinette,                      OcontoShawano, and Michigan's Counties of
Menominee, and Dickinson.

The Northeastern Wisconsin Concert Band was founded in 1993 as an open membership, adult ensemble.  From the very first rehearsal to the present, the band has grown to a fine balance of instrumentation of  80+ members.  The band draws its membership from a six county area north of Green Bay, WI.  There are no auditions or fees for membership.  The only "pay" members receives is a dinner get-together; an after-glow social following each public performance.

The Northeastern Wisconsin Concert Band performs two public concerts annually.  Rehearsals begin in March/April concluding after 6 rehearsals with a public concert in late April or early May; rehearsals then resume in September and conclude, again with a concert in late October or early November.

Following each public concert performed at Marinette High School in Marinette, WI, a private concert is performed the following evening, by a smaller group of band members, at one of the nursing or assisted living facilities in the area.

 The Band is financed by concert receipts ($5 for adults and $2 for students), donations and concert sponsorships.

Sponsor:        ($250-and up)

Donor:          ($100-$249)

Contributor: ($10 - $99)

.  We thank all of our sponsors for their generosity and interest in community music.


We can be contacted at for additional information.


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